Purple Mountain Majesty by Diana Madaras

"Unspoken" 25th Anniversary Show

October 26th - November 17th

Party: Saturday October, 26th from 11am - 1pm

Diana Madaras will unveil 20 new original paintings at the party. The new paintings will showcase Madaras’ wide-ranging artistic ability and her interest in diverse subject matter including wildlife, desert scenes, florals and architectural paintings.

Please RSVP for our October 26th Party:

25th Anniversary Year: Madaras Gallery, a cornerstone of the Arizona art scene, will celebrate its 25-year Anniversary at the 2024 Annual Show in October: “Unspoken.”

About: The title of the show, "Unspoken," references the stories expressed on canvas which cannot be fully articulated only through language. “I love to use words to describe a scene that elicits joy, wonder, or tranquility,” Madaras explains, “but, for me, the ‘unspoken’ language of a painting evokes an even deeper emotion.

“I want to convey all that I feel with paint on canvas—the awe I experience when seeing a beautiful bird, or a sunlit desert canyon, or a perfect flower unfolding in the morning dew.